Monday, December 30, 2019

The Networking Mistakes That Make You Look Unprofessional

The Networking Mistakes That Make You Look UnprofessionalThe Networking Mistakes That Make You Look Unprofessional10 Networking Mistakes That Make You Look UnprofessionalHave you committed any of these networking blunders?It seems that every networking auffhrung comes with a few cringe-worthy moments. From listening to a self-indulgent sales pitch to being asked out on a date, sweaty handshakes, and annoying name-dropping, being on the receiving end of networking mistakes isnt fun. The consequences are even worse if youre the offender. An unfortunate faux pas could spell the end of professional credibility, destroy goodwill, and eliminate the willingness to connect all key ingredients for successful networking.Here are 10 common networking mistakes that can derail your efforts to meet like-minded professionals and boost your career. Some are straightforward, yet worth pointing out because they are committed often. Others (such as staying in touch) may be well-intentioned but potenti ally damaging if done incorrectly.Being unpreparedSometimes, a networking event catches you off-guard. Perhaps you received a last-minute invitation to join your boss at a reception, or maybe you forgot about an event that you had committed to months ago. When you must get ready to go on a moments notice, there is no time to update that stale LinkedIn profile or order more geschftlicher umgang cards.The best advice for avoiding this mistake is to make a polished appearance an organic part of your daily routine.Keep your LinkedIn profile and resume up-to-date, carry your business cards with you at all times, and dress professionally daily. Follow these tips and you will never have to regret wasting an opportunity to make a good first impression.Using the event to peddle your resumePushing your resume on anyone with a pulse (or using the guerilla-marketing tactic of leaving your resume on every cocktail table in the reception area) can make you look like you are only there to advance your own cause. Most people will discard an out-of-context resume thats been forced on them and forget theyve ever met you. Those that do remember will recall you as pushy and self-promoting. Do bring your resume but keep it to yourself, unless your new contact asks for it.Going on a business-card-collecting spreeA networking event is not a hunt, and there is no reward for collecting the most trophies Your goal should be to create meaningful connections, not to capture that business card and move on to the next target. Give yourself permission to slow down, pay attention to the conversation, and stop working the room. Your results will be betterTreating anyone as unimportantDismissing people who dont meet certain criteria in favor of big names and A-listers is a mistake. A single disparaging comment can embarrass and discredit you for years to come. Treat everyone you meet like they could make a real difference in your life. Be respectful and present, even if the connection is brie f.Failing to ask for helpProfessionals often hold the mistaken belief that asking for introductions or advice makes them look weak and disadvantaged. In reality, making a request for an introduction is at the core of the networking process After all, networking only works when people make new connections. By being respectful, polite, and humble, you can reinforce the relationships you have and build new ones.Being glued to your cell phoneNetworking events can be uncomfortable. For those who want an escape, cell phones are an easy answer. Some professionals think that checking messages or scrolling through emails makes them look smart, busy, and important. However, the only thing this behavior accomplishes is making them look unapproachable, or worse, disrespectful. If you are expecting an important call, feel free to keep that phone nearby but turn off the ringer and resist the urge to hide behind the screen.Failing to follow upPost-event follow up is an opportunity to reinforce yo ur professional image. If you promised someone you would send an article, make an introduction, or schedule a meeting, get it done within 24 hours.If you are sending a simple great to meet you email, dont settle for using an efficient, but boring, template. Make your message personal add details about the conversation or shared interests. If you had asked someone for advice, make a point of letting them know you took it to heart and acted on it. A follow-up email is not permission to launch into self-promotion or an elevator pitch, however. Be courteous, gracious, and brief.Related3 Powerful Thank-You Notes You Can Write in Under 30 SecondsFollowing up just to stay in touchBeyond the first email or call after the event, resist the urge to follow up just to stay in touch.This advice may go against the common wisdom, but it makes sense. Todays successful professionals are busier than ever. They dont want to dig through an inbox full of emails that lack substance.The new rule of thumb is to only follow up when you can add value. Found an interesting article thats relevant to your new connection? Met someone the other professional might enjoy or benefit from by being introduced? Finished a great book you want to recommend? By all means, reach out. If you make every touch point valuable and pleasant for the other professional, you wont ever have to resort to frequent, empty email blasts. Lying or stretching the truthFrom name-dropping when you barely know the important individual to inflating your current position, lying is the quickest way to demolish trust and credibility. It wont impress anyone, and even if it does, the truth will come out eventually. So be honest and trust that you are interesting and qualified without embellishment. If you are feeling self-conscious about your credentials, use that as motivation for learning and professional development not as a reason to lie.Forgetting to be gratefulThrough every interaction, professionals should remember th at no one owes them anything not a meeting, not an introduction, not a recommendation. Set reasonable expectations and dont ask for favors that are reserved for trusted friends and long-time colleagues. If you have just met someone, dont insist that they introduce you to the CEO of the company or give you intel on the business needs of their department.On that note, be grateful for any help or advice that you do receive. A hand-written thank-you note, a personal email, or a quick phone call to acknowledge the other persons effort will go a long way towards reinforcing the relationship. Dont make the mistake of thinking that personal thank-you messages are outdated Courtesy counts today more than ever before.Mistakes are a side-effect of being human, and most professionals will certainly forgive you for an occasional and unintentional faux pas. Having said that, an awareness of common networking mistakes can help you avoid them. From being mindful of your professional appearance to paying attention to small details (such as spelling someones name correctly in the follow-up email), remember that your new professional acquaintances dont have any baseline knowledge of you. There is no goodwill reserve to tap into when you make a mistake, so work on creating positive interactions and adding value. Treat every person you meet as if they have the power to boost your career. By using this advice, you will find yourself in the middle of a life-changing professional network in no timeClick on the following link for more networking advice.You dont need to give out your resume at networking events, but its still smart to have an updated one on you. Try a free resume critique to ensure your resume is up to dateRecommended ReadingNetwork Like an Expert Networking Tips from the Industrys FinestHow to Turn Holiday Parties into Networking GoldminesNetworking Tips to Help You Thrive at Your Next Event

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Some people are on the 10-year plan to early retirement

Some people are on the 10-year plan to early retirementSome people are on the 10-year plan to early retirementRaise your hand if youve ever slammed yourself in the forehead with your hand after realizing that something your parents told you years ago was, strangely enough, right? Or, full of wisdom?Ive seemed to do that quite a bit as Ive gotten older.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreI was fortunate enough to have been raised in a stable and loving family. Ivewritten about this beforeand dont hide this fact, nor do I apologize for its effect on myability to retire early.The one thing that Ive always remembered was something my dad told me off the cuff. At the time, of course, I didnt truly understand its significance.His words went something like thisSome people are on the 10-year planThinking back, I remember listening to those words. I mean, I knew what they meant, and while I might have harbored an inkling of interest,they made no real impact on my outlook.After all, this was shortly after I graduated from college. After all those years of working shit jobs loading peoples cars with groceries, I was finally making money.You know, real money. Professional money in thecorporate world.And at that time, I wanted to damn well spend it. I was on the crest of going from earning just enough to fund my legit expensesand nothing moreto earning way more than I actually needed. I had an excess of cash.And, it was kinda cool. I could splurge when I wanted to. If I saw something I liked, I bought it (to include a pair of $220 Oakley sunglasses that I inadvertently donated to the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico while slamming around the waves on a jet ski) years later.Who wanted to stop having all that fun and instead save cash? Sure, I could retire in 10 years if I did nothing but save money, but man, that didnt sound like fun.After all, I was f inally in the position to have some of that fun.Finally.What is the 10-year plan?The 10-year plan isnt built for everyone. If youre working a low-income job, then 10 years is probably fairly ambitious (but, Ive heard of people who live extremely frugal on a low salary). Dont count yourself out if you arent working ininformation technologyor any other high-income field.The tenants of the 10-year plan are fairly straightforwardYouve prioritizedsaving moneyover spending itYou are prepared to live a decade of your life during theaccumulation phase saving virtually every penny (within reason, of course)Saying No to weekly happy hours with coworkers will become the norm season tickets to a sporting event probably wont happenAfter 10 years, youll quit your damn job and live the rest of your life in pure freedom buy those season tickets nowMore or less, you are sacrificing 10 years of your life by living frugally so you can plow through the rest of your life without having to worry about co mmutes or performance reviews (except for maybe yourearly retirement performance review).This is like delayed gratification to the max. But, the payoff is better than anything imaginableif you dont like working a traditional job, that is.In a round-about way, I joined the 10-year planbut lateIt took about 14 years, total, for me to retire early. I met my wife and we got married in 2014, and the combined salaries definitely helped. I wouldnt be retired right now if we werent married.I took several key steps to making the 10-year plan work for me.Step 1 I acknowledged my awesome lifeIf you havent had to struggle much in your life, dont be a jerk and ignore it. Ive found that it helps to normalize our expectations when we acknowledge to ourselves (as well as to others) how fortunate we are to have been born into a warm and loving family with a solid support structure and active/involved parents.But, dont think I chalk all this up to privilege. Idont play that game.Still, it helps us to realize the world isnt always as rosy for others as it has been for us. Though weve worked hard for our success,other people have worked harder for the saatkorn success. Much harder.Step 2 I didnt confuse income with wealthYou make a lot of money. Good for you. Its definitely awesome bringing home a lot of cash, but all that cash also has a way of lulling us privileged folks into a false sense of security if we dont use it right.High-income debt, anyone?Vacation homes, expensive dinners, big homes and shopping for designer veggies in costly grocery stores all help to diminish our ability to build serious wealth.When wethinkwere rich, bad things start to happen.And, make no mistake about itA high income does not magically set us up for early retirement. However A high income,when used in a smart way, can.Step 3 I didnt just save money I investedThe 10-year plan doesnt work if all were doing is keeping our money in a checking or savings account.Here is the thing about saving money Sa ving money haslittle to do with getting rich. Its such a small component of the larger picture of building wealth that its just one of those assumed techniques that everybody uses to build wealth.Hardly even worth mentioning.Of course, spending money is a one-way street to becoming poor (aside from smart investments, of course). If you arent spending money, you might be saving. Okay, good. Saving is good, but saving money doesnt buildseriouswealth.The act of saving money wont, in and of itself, make anyone rich.Ordering water instead of soda or beer at restaurants might save you a few hundred over the course of a year. But lets face it A few hundred isnt life-changing money. Those extra benjamins (alone) have no geschftliches miteinander convincing you to hang up your hat in corporate America.Wealth comes from a very different sourceInvestments. Here, take a look at apretty graphthat puts in chart form what little effect saving money has over your household wealth. I warn you, howev er, that there are a bunch of sleep-inducing financial buzzwords that permeate that post. You know, things like market revaluation and consumer durable investments.Its not about how much money we have. Wealth is a direct byproduct ofwhat we do with that money. ItsTHISthat enables early retirement.Step 4 I understand my purpose in lifeWhether you work a traditional job or not, are retired, self-employed or justvagabondaround the world in search of enlightenment, we all have a purpose.Truly, we do. Each and every one of us has a purpose. I believe that.But,heres the kicker Though each of us has a purpose, I also believe that most of us dont have any idea what that purpose is. Or, at least a clear understanding of that purpose. We might have one of those inklings. But short of that, the majority of the population probably couldnt recite their lifes purpose if we gave them 10 minutes to think it over.This isnt meant to criticize. Instead, Im encouraging you to reflect. To think about wh at gives your life meaning and understand your purpose as deeply and clearly as possible. This shouldnt take any research on your part. This isnt a science project or book report. This is life. You.If you couldnt tell me your lifes purpose in, say, under a minute, spend five minutes and figure out how to make that happen. Jot down notes if you need. Do whatever it takes toUnderstand what your purpose is, andUnderstand it well enough to recite it quickly and clearlyBuzzwords need not apply.Step 5 I was persistent and didnt give upThe previous four steps wont do much good if you lose your motivation and quitbuilding wealthsix months after you start because things just got too boring.If you revert back to spending the majority of what you earn, nobodys retiring early.Starting is great. We cant get to the finish line if we never start. But, we also arent getting to the finish line if we stop midway through, either. Keep yourself motivated by breaking down your goals intosmaller componen ts that are relatively easy to achieve.Then, achieve each smaller goal and move to the next.And, reward yourself along the way. These rewards shouldnt cost a lot of money, of course. A $10,000 vacation to Fiji isnt the best reward if your goal is to retire early. But, picking up tickets for opening day at the ballpark might be.So, Im curious What wisdom did your folks impart upon you that, although you promptly ignored it at the time, you now understand was spot-on accurate?This article first appeared on Thinksaveretire.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 20, 2019

6 ways to boost employee morale starting today

6 ways to boost employee morale starting today6 ways to boost employee morale starting todayAn unenthused team with high turnover rates should be a huge red flag to geschftliches miteinander owners and leaders, but a surprising number of bosses arent willing to go the extra mile to make sure their staff are happy and motivated.Employers who are finding that their staff are literally dragging themselves through the door every morning and can no longer recall the sound of laughter in the office should take heed you need to tackle low morale before it hinders your businessEmployee morale describes the overall outlook, attitude, satisfaction, and confidence that employees feel at work. It can quickly build or break a companys success, so managers have a responsibility to enlist simple and creative approaches to strengthen it before it leads to poor cooperation, low productivity and increased staff turnover.Things like giving regular praise and letting your colleagues voice their concern s are easy to put into place, but the impact they can have is tremendous.We worked with the office experts behindLondonOffices.comwho revealed their six best tips for sparking positive change and boosting employee morale.1. Dont forget to have funWith mountains of work to get through each day and deadlines constantly looming, it can be easy to fall in to the All Work, No Play mentality but this is only going to take its toll on your employees.Ultimately, staff go to work to get a job done, but spending over 40 hours each week doing the same tasks day in, day out can get extremely dull.So, whether its a quick round of drinks on a Friday afternoon, or a big team building day out every quarter, your staff will appreciate the break in monotony.2. Be prepared to take the bulletWhen your people are facing challenges and morale is sinking, be willing to step up to the mark and tackle particularly difficult issues yourself.Whether its dealing with a challenging client or handling an awkwar d confrontation, showing your team that youre willing to put your neck on the line to save them hassle will undoubtedly increase morale and team spirit.3. Give praise where praise is dueEverybody loves a bit of positive recognition every now and then, so stop overlooking staff members good work.Regular positive feedback and recognition may just be the key to unlocking exceptional performance and improving employee morale and the key word is here regular. Leaving it to yearly review meetings just wont suffice.4. Let them speakMeet with each of your team members one-on-one to allow them chance to vent any frustrations or voice any concerns privately. Take what they say seriously and make sure to act on anything within your power.Employees that trust you and feel able to talk and be listened to will be more willing to put the work in, knowing their opinions are valued.5. Authentic careWhether its a simple birthday card or a bunch of flowers for a staff member going on maternity leave, these relatively inexpensive demonstrations show that you genuinely listen to your employees and care about their lives and not just within the office walls.This can go a long way towards making employees feel connected to their team and the business, and create a happier staff body overall.6. Make work meaningfulWhen employee morale is taking a bit of a bashing, take the time to return to the vision on which the business welches built in the first place. Ask yourself why the business exists, and how the work of employees influences this purpose.Then, communicate this back to your staff. Emphasizing the importance of their work both as individuals and teams is bound to improve morale and motivation.This article was originally published on

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Brief History of Steve Jobs and Apple

Brief History of Steve Jobs and AppleBrief History of Steve Jobs and AppleSteve Jobs(February 24, 1955-October 5, 2011) welches a co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. His impact on the technology industry, entertainment, advertising, and pop culture was significant and he left behind an empire that changed how people interact with technology. The Beginning of Apple Apple started with three men- SteveJobs, Steve Wozniak, and Mike Markkula- who together in the late 1970s designed and marketed the Apple II series of computers. It was the first commercially successful line of personal computers, and led to the Apple Lisa in 1983- the first computer to use a mouse-driven GUI (graphical user interface). One year later, the Apple Macintosh was born and with it, the Apple legend began to grow. Jobs Various Roles at Apple In 1985, after a long and drawn-out fight with the Apple board, Jobs departed the company that he helped create. Some say he was pushed or ousted others say h e left simply to pursue other projects. Whatever the case, his next move was NeXT, a tech company he founded that specialized in higher education and business. In 1986, Jobs took a major interest in a small division of Lucasfilm Ltd. Focused on the development of computer-generated graphics for animated movies, Jobs acquired the company now known as Pixar. After many small projects and lots of trial and error, Pixar released Toy Story in 1995 crediting Jobs as the executive producer. Pixar became one of the most successful and prolific animated movie companies in the world. One year after the release of Toy Story, in 1996, Apple bought the NeXT company that Jobs owned and asked him to come back in a leadership role. He was interim CEO from 1997 to 2000, becoming the permanent CEO from that point until his eventual resignation in August of 2011. iPod and iPhone When Jobs returned in 1996, Apple was still a niche computer platform. The vast majority of consumers owned less expensi ve Windows-based PCs, with the higher-priced Apple computers mainly being used in the creative industries, including advertising, design and motion pictures. However, that all changed when the iPod came along in November of 2001. The device, which allowed thousands of songs to be stored digitally on one small device much smaller than any Walkman or CD player, changed the way music was played and shared. Within a few years, Apple was the technology that everyone wanted to own. And then came the iPhone in 2007, which took Apple from a major player to the company everyone was trying to emulate. Overnight, the iPhone reinvented cell phone technology, and it was yet another victory for Steve Jobs. His company, Apple, was the brand leader and the one leading the field. In 2010, after many variations of the iPhone, the iPad was launched to an initially mediocre reception. People and focus groups didnt see the need for it, but Steve Jobs knew it was going to have a big impact. And it did. B y March of 2011, over 15 million iPads were on the market. Jobs Health and Death Jobs health had been in question since around 2006 when his gaunt, frail appearance and lackluster delivery were the focus of his WWDC keynote address. In fact, Jobs had announced to his staff in 2004 that he had pancreatic cancer. Between 2003 and his death in August 2011, Jobs underwent many procedures and therapies to try and beat cancer, but the disease was too aggressive. He stepped down as CEO of Apple on August 24, 2011, and died just a few weeks later. Apple After Steve Jobs To say Apple greatly misses the influence of Steve Jobs would be the understatement of the century. The last great neuerung that Apple released to the market was done so under the leadership of Steve Jobs it was the iPad, back in 2010. Almost everything released from that point on has been an update to an existing product none of its newer products has been met with the same must-have enthusiasm that Jobs products in spired in customers.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The best jobs for introverts, extroverts (and everyone in between)

The best jobs for introverts, extroverts (and everyone in between)The best jobs for introverts, extroverts (and everyone in between)Have you ever listened to a friend describe their average day and felt yourself break out into hives? Maybe its listening to the exploits of your public-speaker bestie that makes your introverted soul shrivel up and die a little.Perhaps its your game-designing girlfriend who stares at screens for weeks on end without encountering anotherbei person until her work is complete that causes you to hyperventilate.If youre wondering if your job suits your deepest personality traits, Amanda Augustine, career advice expert for TopResume offers tips for every personality typeIntrovertsIf you find yourself on the introvert end of the personality spectrum, Augustine said that youre more likely to thrive in calm, uncrowded environments, where there are more occasions for one-on-one interactions, rather than large and loud group discussions or debates. Positions that offer autonomy and introspection and rely less on collaboration are especially attractive.Augustine said, As a result, introverts often gravitate toward professions that require the professional to work directly with only a small handful of people, where the communication is structured and limited, and theres a lot of independence.Great gigs for introverts Several professions that value the traits mentioned above include writer or editor (blogging, technical writing, translation) researcher data entry archivist or librarian programmer and accountant, bookkeeper, or actuary. Augustine also said that remote punkts that require limited interaction over the phone are also appealing.ExtrovertsExtroverts are often characterized as social butterflies, and with good reason according to Augustine. Whereas introverts are drained after excessive interaction with others, extroverts are energized by these conversations. If you fall into this category, there are many professions that value your g o-getter attitude and ability to strike up a conversation with friends and strangers alike.Great gigs for extroverts Several roles that fit those who are socially adept, according to Augustine include public relations sales advertising journalism radio announcer or TV broadcaster teacher litigator/lawyer, event planning, and recruiting. All of these jobs capitalize on your gift of gab and will ensure your natural talents are leveraged.The truth about job fitNo matter how qualified you are, some jobs wont be a good match for your personality. Augustine said It doesnt make you a failure its just the wrong job for you. You cant force an introvert to suddenly enjoy spending countless hours talking to people any more than you can expect an extrovert to enjoy quietly crunching numbers in a back arbeitszimmer alone all day.Augustine also said that We spend the majority of our adult life at work shouldnt that time leverage our strengths rather than putting us at odds with ourselves every da y?If youd like to work at a job where your personality shines, you might want to look in your professional rearview mirror first.When youre looking for a new job, take a step back and consider the positions youve held in the past. In which opportunities did you thrive, and in which did you fail? Augustine said.In the positions where you did well and were happy, consider what each role entailed, what the work environment was like, and what you enjoyed most about the job. If youre feeling very industrious, you might want to list the best and worst parts of your past jobs and pay attention to whether the pain points directly contradicted your natural inclinations.Look for themes among the jobs you enjoyed most to identify the type of position and work environment that leverages your strengths and best suits your personality, said Augustine. And dont worry if not everything about a new position clicks Every job will have a few elements you dont love, but you shouldnt force yourself into a position - or stay in one - that drains your energy.Introverts in an extroverts worldMeanwhile, The Introverts Complete Career Guide by Jane Finklecelebrates the best of being introverted while offering tips to thrive in any atmosphere.According to Finkle, Introversion is not a negative quality. We must all learn to embrace our introverted qualities, but also figure out how to sprinkle in some extrovert skills to move beyond our comfort zone and succeed in todays workplace.Why does this matter for any personality type? In promotional materials, Finkle wrote The challenge is that introverts struggle most with self-promotion, taking the risk of revealing oneself, speaking up in meetings and networking events, being forceful in meetings and therefore an introverts valuable qualities often get overlooked in the extroverts world.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Choosing Good How to Make Resume

Choosing Good How to Make Resume Understanding How to Make Resume Speaking of unique, the principal target of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for equal job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). An excellent beginning will always generate far better results. So your first objective is to have your resume read by means of an individual. Then it may be time to bring some style to your resume In reality, you should be aware that lots of companies these days are using Applicant Tracking Systems to help them screen resumes and get the best candidates. Based on your industry and the kind of job youre interested, an online resume can be a terrific way to highlight your abilities and experience in a fashion that is more visually appealing and engaging than a traditional resume. ConnectCV is another exact efficient online resume building tool free of charge. The work sea rch may be a lengthy process just consider the statistics below Your resume is the most essential document in regards to applying for jobs. You have to tailor your resume to each work application so that it responds to the particular needs of the job which youre applying for. With a couple free on-line solutions, the procedure can be made a bit easier. The process of producing a resume is quite easy and straight-forward. Regardless of what genre you would like Business Studies, Microeconomics, Business Management and Financial Accounting, were here to serve your needs. Writing is a present that comes naturally. Its possible to easily buy unique college essays and dont neglect to tell friends and family about it. Most folks look at writing a resume as just something youve got to do to have a job. So should you need to employ college essay writer online, were just the people that you will need to contact. While its true that there are a few excellent writers in college some fi nd it extremely challenging to write. Besides your LinkedIn account, the perfect resume should incorporate any links that are related to your work, like a personal site, portfolio, or blog. Also, be certain that there is enough white space on the page to ensure it is effortless to scan. So far as features are involved, it is a whole lot more versatile. Things You Wont Like About How to Make Resume and Things You Will Nobodys perfect, but anything you send to a prospective employer should be absolutely flawless. Try to remember that employers are uninterested in being aware of what you expect from the organization but rather theyll be interested in being aware of what you can provide them and how you are able to benefit the business. If youre looking for a job and dont want your present employer to understand, its certainly not the most discreet alternative. Resumes are the main tool that individuals use for their job search. The link may also be shared with potential employ ers. When you submit an application for jobs on the website, you simply have to click the saved resume you created on the website. When you have created a resume utilizing a work search engine resume builder, the website will enable you to share it together with employers on the exact same job search engine. CeeVee is among the most effective free online creative resume builders thats preferred by professionals. The Lost Secret of How to Make Resume The Free Resume Builder helps prepare resumes even when you dont possess the slightest idea on the best way to do so employing a seven step procedure. PDF documents look the exact same on every computer, and that means you wont have to be concerned about any formatting inconsistencies. Templates can frequently be downloaded and then utilized in a word processor. Now hunt for the on-line templates. Several websites also have resume templates you may utilize to make your very own personal resume. If so, dont fret about what it ap pears like, because it is going to be consistent with the other resumes in the database. You can pick the content you would love to add in the form fields, and your resume will be constructed. When it has to do with filling in your content, you need to manually enter your resume.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Is your Arrogance Showing

Is your Arrogance Showing This is for all the bosses, executives, hiring managers, managers and supervisorsanyone in a position of authority. Is your arrogance showing, specifically in front of employees? I ask this after having an interesting discussion with my nana. She lives in a senior (ages 55+) apartment complex where one of the assistant managers at apartment complex talks down to seniors. She said the manager consistently challenges the residents intelligence, belittling their competence in multiple ways.For example, one resident reported a broken microwave to which the manager rudely asked, Do you just mean its dirty? Is it clean? The manager also said, You have to enter the time for it to work, as if this resident didnt understand how to properly work a microwave.She has to show that shes the boss, my nana had said. Very arrogant.This led me to think about the many folks in positions of authority throughout businesses. How many managers and supervisors out there show that they are the bosses, knowingly and unknowingly? How many treat their workers as if they are inferior and/or incompetent?So, below Ive outlined just four ways for you, as the boss, to tell if your arrogance might be (or is) showing1. Talk down to employees. Take elende of your speech and choice of language when talking to (or referring to) your employees. Do you talk down to workers and use language and phrases that insinuate they are inferior to you and/or others in positions of authority? This could be anything from saying, You entry-level worker or those people when referring to workers whose positions fall beneath yours on the organizations hierarchical chart. Or even refusing to acknowledge a worker by name.And sometimes, its not always what you say, but how you say it. Workers can tell if a manager is on an ego trip from his or her tone of voice and body and facial expressions. Remember, ever y employee has a part to play in ensuring the success of your company. Every employee is important and should be treated with respect.2. Always challenging employees ideas. Every time a worker approaches you with a new idea or project, do you disregard it? Do you counter your employees ideas, coming up with reasons why they wont work or why they arent good enough? If so, you may be showing your arrogance.Some managers are not very open to new ideas from their workers because they dont perceive them as intelligent enough or capable of coming up with a worthy idea or project for the team/department. Remember, your employees are a part of your team for a reason they have the necessary skills (and bring something unique to the table) to complete the job.3. Lack of trustDo you constantly go over your employees assignments, checking for every little error? I once worked for a small publishing company as an editor (take note that I edit for my day job). The owner constantly re-checked my a nd the other employees work, often taking hours that couldve been used for other projects. Although she hired us, she did not trust us to do the work like she would.Dont act like your workers havent been trained. They obviously had the skills and experience to land the job. A lack of trust only causes more (unnecessary) work for you.4. Overstating your title. Have you ever met anyone who constantly had to remind you of what he/she has? I have a PhD. I went to Harvard. I am the community manager.Let me spell it out A-n-n-o-y-i-n-g.Dont allow your arrogance to blatantly show by stating, restating and overstating your title and or what you possess. Im sure your workers know your positions title and statusvery well.