Monday, December 30, 2019

The Networking Mistakes That Make You Look Unprofessional

The Networking Mistakes That Make You Look UnprofessionalThe Networking Mistakes That Make You Look Unprofessional10 Networking Mistakes That Make You Look UnprofessionalHave you committed any of these networking blunders?It seems that every networking auffhrung comes with a few cringe-worthy moments. From listening to a self-indulgent sales pitch to being asked out on a date, sweaty handshakes, and annoying name-dropping, being on the receiving end of networking mistakes isnt fun. The consequences are even worse if youre the offender. An unfortunate faux pas could spell the end of professional credibility, destroy goodwill, and eliminate the willingness to connect all key ingredients for successful networking.Here are 10 common networking mistakes that can derail your efforts to meet like-minded professionals and boost your career. Some are straightforward, yet worth pointing out because they are committed often. Others (such as staying in touch) may be well-intentioned but potenti ally damaging if done incorrectly.Being unpreparedSometimes, a networking event catches you off-guard. Perhaps you received a last-minute invitation to join your boss at a reception, or maybe you forgot about an event that you had committed to months ago. When you must get ready to go on a moments notice, there is no time to update that stale LinkedIn profile or order more geschftlicher umgang cards.The best advice for avoiding this mistake is to make a polished appearance an organic part of your daily routine.Keep your LinkedIn profile and resume up-to-date, carry your business cards with you at all times, and dress professionally daily. Follow these tips and you will never have to regret wasting an opportunity to make a good first impression.Using the event to peddle your resumePushing your resume on anyone with a pulse (or using the guerilla-marketing tactic of leaving your resume on every cocktail table in the reception area) can make you look like you are only there to advance your own cause. Most people will discard an out-of-context resume thats been forced on them and forget theyve ever met you. Those that do remember will recall you as pushy and self-promoting. Do bring your resume but keep it to yourself, unless your new contact asks for it.Going on a business-card-collecting spreeA networking event is not a hunt, and there is no reward for collecting the most trophies Your goal should be to create meaningful connections, not to capture that business card and move on to the next target. Give yourself permission to slow down, pay attention to the conversation, and stop working the room. Your results will be betterTreating anyone as unimportantDismissing people who dont meet certain criteria in favor of big names and A-listers is a mistake. A single disparaging comment can embarrass and discredit you for years to come. Treat everyone you meet like they could make a real difference in your life. Be respectful and present, even if the connection is brie f.Failing to ask for helpProfessionals often hold the mistaken belief that asking for introductions or advice makes them look weak and disadvantaged. In reality, making a request for an introduction is at the core of the networking process After all, networking only works when people make new connections. By being respectful, polite, and humble, you can reinforce the relationships you have and build new ones.Being glued to your cell phoneNetworking events can be uncomfortable. For those who want an escape, cell phones are an easy answer. Some professionals think that checking messages or scrolling through emails makes them look smart, busy, and important. However, the only thing this behavior accomplishes is making them look unapproachable, or worse, disrespectful. If you are expecting an important call, feel free to keep that phone nearby but turn off the ringer and resist the urge to hide behind the screen.Failing to follow upPost-event follow up is an opportunity to reinforce yo ur professional image. If you promised someone you would send an article, make an introduction, or schedule a meeting, get it done within 24 hours.If you are sending a simple great to meet you email, dont settle for using an efficient, but boring, template. Make your message personal add details about the conversation or shared interests. If you had asked someone for advice, make a point of letting them know you took it to heart and acted on it. A follow-up email is not permission to launch into self-promotion or an elevator pitch, however. Be courteous, gracious, and brief.Related3 Powerful Thank-You Notes You Can Write in Under 30 SecondsFollowing up just to stay in touchBeyond the first email or call after the event, resist the urge to follow up just to stay in touch.This advice may go against the common wisdom, but it makes sense. Todays successful professionals are busier than ever. They dont want to dig through an inbox full of emails that lack substance.The new rule of thumb is to only follow up when you can add value. Found an interesting article thats relevant to your new connection? Met someone the other professional might enjoy or benefit from by being introduced? Finished a great book you want to recommend? By all means, reach out. If you make every touch point valuable and pleasant for the other professional, you wont ever have to resort to frequent, empty email blasts. Lying or stretching the truthFrom name-dropping when you barely know the important individual to inflating your current position, lying is the quickest way to demolish trust and credibility. It wont impress anyone, and even if it does, the truth will come out eventually. So be honest and trust that you are interesting and qualified without embellishment. If you are feeling self-conscious about your credentials, use that as motivation for learning and professional development not as a reason to lie.Forgetting to be gratefulThrough every interaction, professionals should remember th at no one owes them anything not a meeting, not an introduction, not a recommendation. Set reasonable expectations and dont ask for favors that are reserved for trusted friends and long-time colleagues. If you have just met someone, dont insist that they introduce you to the CEO of the company or give you intel on the business needs of their department.On that note, be grateful for any help or advice that you do receive. A hand-written thank-you note, a personal email, or a quick phone call to acknowledge the other persons effort will go a long way towards reinforcing the relationship. Dont make the mistake of thinking that personal thank-you messages are outdated Courtesy counts today more than ever before.Mistakes are a side-effect of being human, and most professionals will certainly forgive you for an occasional and unintentional faux pas. Having said that, an awareness of common networking mistakes can help you avoid them. From being mindful of your professional appearance to paying attention to small details (such as spelling someones name correctly in the follow-up email), remember that your new professional acquaintances dont have any baseline knowledge of you. There is no goodwill reserve to tap into when you make a mistake, so work on creating positive interactions and adding value. Treat every person you meet as if they have the power to boost your career. By using this advice, you will find yourself in the middle of a life-changing professional network in no timeClick on the following link for more networking advice.You dont need to give out your resume at networking events, but its still smart to have an updated one on you. Try a free resume critique to ensure your resume is up to dateRecommended ReadingNetwork Like an Expert Networking Tips from the Industrys FinestHow to Turn Holiday Parties into Networking GoldminesNetworking Tips to Help You Thrive at Your Next Event

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